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What should buses be for Beijing 2008 Paralympic Games?
In the middle of seats and luggage rack should be removed, leaving the door in a very comfortable space to settle wheelchair. .
A wheelchair to assist people with disabilities do not need to be completed within two minutes on or off.
The call bell, the compartment doors tilted 15 degrees, wheelchair crossing board automatically extended and the seat belt should be neccessary.
What should buses look and ride like in 2050?
As we looked around at what was available, it became clear that although bus technology has rapidly improved, bus design is still lagging behind. That's something that definitely needs to change.
Buses today look pretty much like they did 50 years ago, and I think the industry is aware that to encourage the public to ride more and drive less, tomorrow¡¯s buses will need to be sleek and sexy, environmentally friendly, customized for maximum comfort and responsive to all the different ways people want to use transit.
What should safety buses be?
Affected by "Chengdu bus burning incident," not considering the purchase of the entire closed-end air-conditioned bus by many Bus Group in China..
Shanghai is studying setting up"the best percussion point" in the bus windows, to remind the public of using the escape hammer in emergency.
Chengdu air-conditioned bus is converted into sliding sash window.
Tianjin bus posts the switch tips in emergency on the front and rear door.

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